Chocolatier Wiki

Recipes are collected as you play the game, and allow access to the various types of chocolates in the three main games of the franchise. At the beginning of the game, your tutorial guide (Evangeline Baumeister for the first game and Alexandra Tangye/Fletcher for the second and third games) will entrust you your first recipe (Basic Chocolate Bars/Squares, depending on the game) through the tutorial quest-line.

As you progress through the game, successfully completing missions from different characters will award you with more and more recipes in your Recipe Book. The recipes that you have unlocked are kept in a booklet accessible through the player's GUI.


In the first game, there are 64 recipes that can be collected, in four different types of confections with sixteen recipes each.

Chocolatier 2: Secret Ingredients[]

In the second game, there are 72 recipes that can be collected, in six different types of confections with twelves recipes each. Compared to the first game, however, not all recipes can be collected through completing missions alone, as some of the recipes have to be made by the player at the research facility in Buenos Aires before being added to the Recipe Book.

Chocolatier: Decadence By Design[]

In the third game, similar to the second game, there are 72 recipes that can be collected, in six different types of confections with twelves recipes each. Besides that, there is also a seventh category with twelve empty slots that will be unlocked during the course of the game, which are meant for the player's own creations, bringing the grand total to 84 recipes.
